Depending on the angle, sometimes Martha reminds me of Queen.
It’s always great to see Ryry and Martha together hanging out chilling
She absolutely looks like Queen in this pic. So much so, she could pass as her sister.
Thank you for the pic appreciate it
Alguém por favor, avisa a Martha que essa iluminação do quarto dela é horrível e a câmera continua filmando os armários e o secador de roupas.
Not up to your usual standard of photos. Hard to see who we see!
It’s the redhead from above.
Yes, it’s a pretty odd situation - since May and the incident with the guest guy, Ryry has pretty much withdrawn from sexual activity apart from some very very occasionally with Tonk; Horney visits and seems to have something with Tonk but no sex and Tonk sleeps with and makes out with other girls but does not have sex with them. Any answers?