There’s two girls with that cup, are you sure your eyes are working correctly
rég volt ennyi mosoly ebben a birodalomban
Tonk canna BONK
That would be a strike 30 and she is leaving I don’t think why he didn’t try the short girl that s___ps in the guest room she kissed him and let him touch her breast the other night
I think it’s a siffness problem much of the time
Yes but still you have a better chance to kick that habit if mess with a girl that likes you back lol
Yep, a bit of encourageement always helps
I think the girls know that he’s a s__te shag. so they avoid him
But he only got this way when he started this full time because when he was just visiting he was doing a little bit better than now
After getting a good fucking from Vegas, where better to go to give your fanny a rest I know visit to Tonks
Otherwise known as the fanny rehabilitation centre (FRC)
Tonk apartment, more of the same, no surprises, when something happens, it’s always in the dark, they always hide, no news,or rather, more of the same, shy