Tonk, Alexander & Martha (Part 1)

What was that all about?

Ab 6:54 gab es eine heftige schlÀgerei angefangen im GÀstezimmer ungefÀhr 10 Minuten lang eine Schande sogar mit ein BaseballschlÀger wurde auf den jungen eingeschlagen :rage::rage:

Der Junge mit den weißen Pullover wurde geschlagen

I saw that, I’m just not sure what for. He did escalate after the first round by heading back with the bat which led to round 2 in the hall

Stimmt aber mit ein BaseballschlÀger ? Wer ist der Junge mit den rot schwarzen Hemd ?

From what I saw, everyone was chilling out, they had a dispute in the guest room and Yakuza dressing gown kicked off. The other guy left for the kitchen then came back with the bat which led to dressing gown running in for the disarm and turning it around on him in the hall. It was excessive and I think dressing gown initiated it, but he was done after round 1
It’s still inexcusable though, but we also don’t know the context (because I can’t translate)

Wenn jemand am Boden liegt dann schlag ich nicht mehr zu . Ich werde mein ersten Ticket eröffnen seit ich hier bin

Just the initial start :laughing:


The guy was a messy _____ and got a slap the dressing gown could have slapped the s__t out him in the guest room but he didn’t he let him up and the white shirt guy goes and gets a baseball bat and comes back for more he should count himself lucky he’s not in hospital the dressing gown guy let him off lightly the white shirt needs to learn how to _____ or stop he can’t hold his ■■■■ fucking idiot

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Hallo VHT der mit den Morgenmantel und mit den BaseballschlĂ€ger sofort rausschmeißen eine Ohrfeige hĂ€tte gereiht , es war offensichtlich dass er zu viel getrunken hat und sich gar nicht mehr wehren konnte . Wenn ihr nicht reagiert habt ihr bald ein Kunde weniger

The whole problem is because of the girl, аs always. I didn’t get into the essence, but it’s a fact. And one more thing
a_____l is evil.

Aus der Liste verschwunden Ticket hat wohl was gebracht

Looks like Tonk is now off line and gone from the list :sob:

Ich verstehe die Sprache nicht weiß nicht worum es ging , aber eine Ohrfeige hĂ€tte gereicht der Junge war wehrlos

Absolut richtig so beide rauswerfen und Back online :+1:

If I get it right, you’re talking about Alexander, Martha’s friend, who are living in the guestroom.

whiteshirt said something to Alexander which caused him to slap whiteshirt’s cheek.

That made whiteshirt go beserk, and Alexander first protected himself, then made sure not to be attacked again. Whiteshirt kept screaming something like “droge” whatever that stands for in russian language.

When Dion, who kept his temper, had taken them apart, whiteshirt went to the kitchen, and got the halfsize baseball-batt out of a backpack, and went back to guestroom, threatening Alexander with it, who came out to the hall, hit on whiteshirt, and Dion took the batt away from whiteshirt.

Under the bottom-line, one shouldn’t blame one or the other without knowing what was said.

If I were in Alexander’s position, and whiteshirt had said something inadequat about Martha, or accused me with an involvement in d__gs, I would have pointed out bright and clear how wrong he was. Just I don’t understand the language, so I can’t say what it was about. I am under the impression, that fully _____ whiteshirt, he even ran against the door casing when he wanted to run out of the room, seemed to have put oil into a fire, and got his response.


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That’s what Alexander intended, but whiteshirt went nuts and roughly and aggressively attacked Alexander as if he wanted to k__l him.

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I also don’t understand assault, but again, emotions, adrenaline, a_____l did their job. Everyone is guilty to one degree or another.

I haven’t seen any but the guy in the white shirt got accused of touching someone. He said he didn’t and they then started to fight. It’s offline so i can’t tell you all what happened.

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agreed on 100 %.

What makes me think is Tonk’s role in the event.

He sat there and got as well the conversation, as in parts he was involved, as the reactions, and did nothing to interfere.

Even after the second heat in the hallway, he only looked at whiteshirt on the floor, but did nothing.

As the “houseowner”, especially when he knew exactly what happened, and how it arised, I think he should have taken a more imperative role, and expel the one who caused the trouble from the house, or give them the option to stop fighting or leave or something similar.


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