Mixing images with light, with amphibious images in the dark, is sad, to say the least
Well, if it’s your wish that this doesn’t happen again in the future, we could all make an effort to only post “amphibious” pictures in the future. But please no complaints afterwards…
No, they could publish images in nornal mode, i.e. uninhibited
Black and white screens for the PC are now becoming more and more fashionable because Windows’ dark-mode appears more contrasty on them.
That was fun, I admit, but obviously, I disagree
Everybody has their own wishes,
I guess here we have to live with the fact, that we can watch what’s provided, and take our right to switch it off if unpleasant, and there is no option to see what we request.
For the latter, people go to chaturbate and a zillion other platforms.
Not amphibious
Dreams are expensive
most of them geting lost and extinguished like stars in the morning, chased by life…
Dromen zijn bedrog , maar als ik wakker wordt dan droom ik nog
That’s good dreams are medicine to bad thoughts
90% of my dreams originate from VHTV
I would if she would, so would i.