Tonk, Alexander & Martha (Part 1)

A estas fiestas de Tonk, solo vienen unas tias feas de cojones con pinta de frígidas que tiran de espaldas.

Que le a pasado a la cámara 12 desde el minuto 20:15 al minuto 20:21 que a desaparecido de la linea de tiempo, 6 minutos y cambio de posición?

Let’s see if the 3 girls in the TONK apartment are putting on a show or if they are just for decoration. Give a good image to the TONK apartment.

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in the TONK apartment, the video cameras have been moved and nothing can be seen and you also have a room where there is no video camera REPORT,REPORT,REPORT TONK apartment

Never mind, perhaps you can find something more satisfying for you elsewhere :laughing:

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Best of luck, Ryry. May all your dreams come through :hugs: :heart:

I am a little sad now :face_holding_back_tears:


Tis a shame we won’t see her full potential, lifes a bitch ain’t it :laughing:

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These lights are nuts

only work good for one cam.

Yes, damn fine girl she is, one of the fairest I’ve ever seen here…now give me a minute, please :face_holding_back_tears:

Luckcily we’ve been outside a winter night before :wink:

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Ryry ist gerade eben auf der Party eingetroffen

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Hmmm…a bit too philosophical for me :laughing:

Just checked the Wiki and seems that she hasn’t received a name :thinking:


Oh yes, I’m a little happier now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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It’s really rather simple :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

First 20 seconds or so of the video sums it up :joy:

i said many times what i thought !!! Looks like i was right on a number of things!!! Everyone thought i was trashing, I was just saying the way i saw it and guess what??