Tod & Kellie

Torey got the job to do a ticket earlier

Yes, you are right, they came few days ago as guests, stayed a while and left just to return now with a lot of luggages and boxes with personal belongings so i assume they will stay for longer

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Good, because I must admit, I like the new guy. I bet you are SO shocked to read that! :laughing:

And i must admit you have a lot of reasons to like him. ( we also love the girl, she`s gorgeous)

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


David i am so surprised to read your last statement, in fact stunned :rofl:

I could have been fibbing though (as if)!

Well one of those reasons has been his habit of laying ON the bed at night, s___ping naked.

Mind you Tod s___ps like that (has never worn anything in bed since I first saw him, I don’t think) as well but often staying more covered up. In HIS case, the nudity has come from his time lounging around the apartment like that, in the absence of the others - not including his girlfriend of course.

I do like them too as a couple, very relaxed and sexually liberated. Great couple :fire:

What’s her name?

I wouldn’t object to seeing the 2 new people become actual participants and that’s not specifically with HIM in mind either, in terms of obvious desire towards him.


Phenomenal girl. They are atm right on the top of my list. 2 great looking couples :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


I can only say that he is doing a very very good job in bed :+1:

The girls are giving us a little treat :heart_eyes:


Caireen & Cyril are the guests


Thank you for confirming that. I did wonder if he is Cyril.

You are welcome. We named them about ten days ago.

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Focus Tod, focus :rofl: :rofl: