I don’t have any evidence, it is my gut feeling from watching these apartments a lot. Same way that no-one can be sure that they are threatening the participants. There is no proof either way.
Unless the participants are leaving hidden requests for help in the apartments. Has anyone checked if the cereal boxes spell out HELP in russian lately?
Help in Russian is - pawnageti / not seen it in print yet
Well you see we have evidence…
I’ve not seen any evidence that the participants are being threatened.
Not allowing them to go out during their “shows” is threatening enough for me…
Not allowing someone to do something is not a threat.
Here is the translation again in case everyone has fogotton
i can translate.
first he spoke about rules,no fighting.cause fines etc…
after for the love of god he said, "so guys you are on telegram, there the manager will be telling you what to do. everyday between 15:00=20:00 you will be told what to do, now you will play cards , do this or that, you always will be starting in the free camera and than moving to a paid camera, your role is to keep the viewers. your shift will be starting at 20:00 (their time) and you will be told what to do in witch camera to do, you can ask premision to go out of the house, but during your shift you cant go out than some small buls__ts. but that was the main conversation.
“Помогите” - pronounced “pomogite”.
Well it is not allowed there will be consequences for them. So it is some kind of a threat
It is not allowed for participants to cover up cams. If they do there will be consequences for them. So by your definition all participants on VHTV are being threatened.
Evidence of fucking what!?? That manager tells the people what to do? Very well that she tells them, as themselves wouldn’t do anything; wake up pal, it’s not a crime, it’s a business; if someone doesn’t want to participate is free to go away, and I don’t believe that managers threatening participants and f___e them to stay against their will!
Well going out is a different thing. How can you forbid anybody to go out? And there was also the issue where Bolly got threatened to be kicked out when she does not have sex with a guy.
Well I do. So now what?
Are you implying that they are people here to watch people be exploited, control and a___ed by their managers???
I don’t know anything about Bolly. Could you provide proof to back up this accusation?
It seems that there are some people who do not care about that. For them it is more important to not lose the places they like to watch as the well being of the participants…
I forgotten about this can’t remember what happened again.
Read above. This issue already got discussed there.
Read some posts above. It got explained again there. I do not want to make the same posts again.