The early time of VHTV

i wanna see this clip lol

I remember a couple a good while backā€¦ canā€™t remeber their names ā€¦but did live in a quite large apartment with a kitchen close to the the livingroomā€¦ and had real nice sex togetherā€¦ sure miss them

Yes this was the first but not the most famous cheating. This I will add tomorrow :wink:

i saw no proof of cheating i feel like your all making it up

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aw cā€™mon itā€™s bad enough I have to wait for the next episode of below deck :frowning:


You are too fast :joy:

Wow how is she? :heart_eyes:

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Lexy & Pete?


Nikki, Archi cheated on her.

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gullable lot if you think cheating happens on this site


Nice par of tits damn. :heartpulse:

We will get thereā€¦ Patience :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

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You stopped that sequence of pictures just as Pete was about to take off his boxers I thinkā€¦spoilsport! :laughing:

Thats Archi for you. She looks amazing.

Hands off, thatā€™s Jabbā€™s best pair. Erm I mean buddies. :innocent: :rofl:

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Jabbs not mind do you Jabbs. :hugs: :hugs:

If you havenā€™t already noticed who do you think is in Jabbs avatar. :thinking: