stamp dat baggervolk er maar uit teressa dan doe je eens iets goed van al de tijd dat je hier participant bent…
it’s actually pretty cool stuff like "PSA - educational advertisement " right now we’re realizing that if you _____ that much you’ll look stupid - if you’re a girl guys can do whatever they want to you
right en het enige wat uit hunne mond komt is porno porno wat zouden die toch porno doen die kon zijne piemel er nog niet in ktijgen den drol
How many times i was that _____ or worse…Omg this is how you look like ?
Sorry but yes
( don’t worry i got as _____ as your name (78 times)
When I get _____ I start blabbering….
and Offline ???
Ofcourse Teressa was pissed off…
I think the guy pulled the plug look at the end
So before leaving this guy did again same s__t…!
Is this the same guy who fucked her before in the bathroom?
No that was Cassius…
Teressa & Goldie never ever invite this guy again…
let’s give it its due ; TERESA
even though i hate her for the Nessia thing but now i admire her - She’s FEARLESS - right now these idiots could hurt her for what she’s done but really "bully for!" to her
“bully for meaning subordinative; well done, you did a good job”
I hope nothing happens to her now.
If you look at the video i posted its the other guy who`s telling this one what to do
with the amount of a_____l thats being consumed this realm is a ticking time bomb
I’m confused about what happened - did Goldie fuck the guy Teresa wanted to fuck? And what the hell happened to the other two cameras in the bedroom? Sorry if any of this was explained before, but I’m having trouble scrolling through the forum thread.
Yes, I saw it… Good recording