Miss you , waiting for return
Hurry back my sweet.
Мы тоже скучаем. Но пока вариантов квартиры нет. Мы в активном поиске. Очень хочется скорее вернутся к вам
Well as much a everyone wants to see you on line again I would say it’s better to find a place you like and has a good internet provider in the area. I’m sure you wouldn’t be happy with a place you really don’t like. That or a place you like and then only a unreliable internet provider that services the area,
But posting a picture of your gorgeous self and some news as what your doing like flashing somewhere now and then keeps you fresh in everyone mind . I’m such an soul!
Hope you have a great day!
Мы с удовольствием будем публиковать фото. Надеемся, в течении недели мы уже появимся в эфире. А пока вы сможете увидеть нас завтра на открытии у Vany and Sins.
Thank you for keeping us in the loop with pics. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow and can’t wait until you have your own place.
the question is, the apartment of “Persephone” should be free at the moment, maybe you can “revive” it for a short time?
Откуда информация о том, что квартира свободна? Она не онлайн, но живёт то там.)
Totally right. The place is not vacant. She will be online tomorrow
Mmmmm, I’m a boob man, Oh wait, I’m an ass man! Ok, I might be a leg man! Ok, I admit it love a woman’s body’s, some days it’s tits, some days it’s ass or legs. Butt* (play on words)…a woman can have all but at the end of the day it all comes down to personality.
Just wondering, do you or have you gone to any nude beaches?
Thank you for the picture of yummy boobs and news.
Да, мы бывали на нудистских пляжах)
You look awesome as ever huni.
And as usual, I don’t know which is Vany and which is Sins !!
A woman after my own heart! I have gone to nude beaches for years and years, here in Canada, the USA and Europe when I worked there for 6 years.
Привет. Vany - девушка, Sins - мужчина.)
Hi @Teanna. I have a passion for editing. I hope you like them.
Thanks to Teanna for these originals to play with.
Привет! Благодарю. Очень красиво!