Нам не понравился парень. Не хотели с ним взаимодеймтвовать.
Same time , same thoughts.
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Teana, hope you like your current 2 guests - I know it’s probably unlikely but we like to dream on here!
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the girl wearing jeans is beautiful
Yes, I’m thinking both are pretty
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Je ne pense pas qu’il se passera quelque chose ce soir avec les 2 invitées
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Ce soir c’est karaoke
Oh no, Yuneska is there… this kills the possible orgy…
Radu and Yunesta being there kills all the suspense. Now we know it s going to be hours of games leading to nothing.
Exactly what will happen
Absolutely - they are unfortunately what as known as the kiss of death to anything really interesting happening! Still there is always hope - isn’t there