Back in the nineties, I was an exchange student in Iowa for 10 months, not too far from Canada. Was never there, but Iowa sure sucked. Haven’t been back since, and not planning on ever goin’ back…
Я была в, Германии
Should have come to Canada as an exchange student
Well now Teanna, what an interesting image you have on the TV!
For sure. But we have the whiskey war aswell…
I was in Germany before the wall came down and in those 6 years when ever I could, I traveled all over. Even if it was only for a few days, So many beautiful places to see. Things that the locals thought nothing of as it’s been part of their life from day one! Canada is a very young country compared to countries in Europe that has a very old and rich history. I was born in Holland so it gave me the opportunity to see family I could hardly remember. I looked at my 6 years there as a working holiday, I miss my time there to this very day.
[quote=“Kalih, post:679, topic:35870”]
whiskey war
[/quote], I know that war well!
I though I would lave this here so others could see how “awful” the war between our countries was!!
It was a horrible war indeed… Several bottles of whisky and schanpps were lost.
Yes, for some reason the contents of the bottles just evaporated!
And yet no one seems to honor their sacrifice. I honour you all the bottles of schnapps that lost you life in the war against the evil Canadians.
Благодарю, что поделились своей историей)
I’m good. I hope you are doing well.
Thank you, thank you, thank you !!! Great video.
Waiting for more swinger party’
Мы тоже очень ждём) Но многие заняты и не могут прийти (((