Teanna & Ronin

What cannot be avoided, simply cannot be changed. And you just have to do what you have to do.
But you said that it would be goodbye for an indefinite period of time. Then there’s always the hope that you’ll return at some point.
I think many people will share this hope. :hugs: :sparkling_heart:
Can you tell us how much longer you’ll be here?


I really hate bad news. I will miss you. You are my top favorite.

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Мы уходим 15 февраля


Нам тоже грустно, но, к сожалению, сейчас находится в проекте для нас убыточно. (


Teana we will miss you - thank you for all the hot memories you have left us and for interacting with us on the Forum. :heart: The bad news is doubled with Vany leaving as well. I know you can’t really say anything but if it is no longer profitable as you say, it suggests that changes have been made which reduce the earning you were receiving - possibly for Vany as well.

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Hier steht nicht dass Vany dass Projekt verlassen hat

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Total understanding and respect. I hope you find a better site and make a good profit. I hope I can find you someday.

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Can you invite this beautiful lady before you leave the project? :hugs: :wink: :clinking_glasses:


:cry: Although I will miss you a lot, I wish you the best life as your heart desires.


К сожалению, она больше не хочет в гости.


Вы сможете видеть нас на сайте Танго. @cutecat-75680 и, возможно, в гостях у Феи и Мариарти и может быть мы вернемся в проект сами чуть позже.


Скоро объявят.

Люблю вас очень :kissing_heart:


finally Мerkaba will return home :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Who comes to Vany’s place, is there a photo or has she already been seen? Thank you

She said it in Vany’s topic.

Она уже там

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We all love you Teanna and Ronin too. And I think it will stay that way.
Some goodbyes are hard and painful, but sometimes inevitable.
Therefore, whatever you do in the future. I wish you all the best of luck and success. I also wish you both lots of health and love in your future lives. All the best, and I sincerely hope to see you again sometime. Thank you very much for the wonderful time up to here, and for the beautiful pictures you have given us. All the best, and may God bless you! :sparkling_heart: :hugs: :pray:
All das Beste


Always sending u guys :heart: Thank you for all of the hot moments I wish u guys nothing but the best
I Love You Hearts GIF by Chippy the Dog


Я и дальше буду делиться фото)