Since Telegram’s images are taken by participants on their cell phones, they are usually of better quality than the screenshots we can take in the forum.
Well that explains it. I’ve been asking for more selfies because the images are more pleasing.
But it’s also great that a couple of the models to providing selfies.
And to to stay on topic… I enjoyed that pic of Tea Mint.
I only post the pictures that I like.
Telegram was a guess because I believe that’s where the VHTV account is. You’d have to ask Mohrchi to be sure. The original image quality is determined by the camera or phone that takes the picture.
If the platform on which it’s posted changes the resolution when it’s uploaded, that’s a different story. I don’t have a Telegram account, so don’t know if they do that.
Surprised there isn’t more saved moments of this apartment recently considering the pictures we’ve gotten
He’s gorgeous!
You can both be described as artists.
It took me a while to see that it’s a cat throwing the TNT at the mouse house. I like both of them, though the eyeball in the toad’s mouth is a little bit
He’s so babygirl.
Both paintings are really good