Gotta love the Tea Mint body
With Anal
He is indeed, and it’s a joy to see a guy with pubic hair for a change.
Yes definitely!
Who is this young man? He looks really nice.
Yes but who is he? Has he been given a name yet?
No name but
Oh OK. I am sorry, I overlooked that message so I didn’t realise that’s probably who he is.
I completely agree with you. We’re already thinking about the name)
szomorú látni hogy midig összevesznek valamin
We apologize. There are no personal conflicts. All people sometimes have an emotional breakdown, against which some misunderstandings may arise. We will try to distract ourselves and you with something interesting. (from Tea Mint)
köszönöm az iformáciot én értelmeztem félre azt hogy személyes problémák vannak, köszönöm a válaszát