From that vantage point a ZZ Top song comes to mind.
I Gotsta Get Paid or Legs
Yesterday he was taken to two card players…poor Tazmin, at this rate of boredom today he gets someone to play bingo.
Well Dimitryr you are probably a lot closer to her than where I am from. Taz is the best and I love the way her crazy mind operates….
Nice Taz always love that view and the performance…
Maybe it would be a little more comfortable for Tazmin if she just moved the sofa to where she is now sitting and positioned the camera half a meter higher…
I always thought that men were the chronic masturbators… …but I see Taz breaks that mold…probably why I like her so much.
hi @kaya is it possible to have the loggia cam move around so we can see the amazing view from the loggia like we did with Ambar
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I still say we need access to a YUM in those situations!