
Probably Mariusz has a full time job outside Vhtv

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Rockin to the Temptations…Love it


Yes, that’s what I figured, he’s one of the few on VHTV who is actualy employed. Regardless, i’m glad I didn’t subscribe for him, would’ve been a waste of money…

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lot of times i wonder what could be the story behind those situations and i have seen it quite few times in different realms.
some random guest arrived, geting almost naked dancing and acting erotic/horny. and the main participant are completely look bored/ignoring the situation.
payed actors? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


That’s the exact feeling you get while watching

i try to reasson it.but cant.putting my self in the guest position,damn if i was not getting payed for it,i would have left long ago,as i find it rather insulting.

Well had you been a subscriber last night, you would have seen something involving him that most definitely would have had a fair chance of grabbing your interest. Rather rarely for him, he was s___ping naked for some of the night and created some interesting visuals. :slight_smile:

It feels like an audition to me :grinning:

can be. but usually the way audition works (as far as i notice) is the guest would come and stay a week or so,or at least visit quiet often and many times.for some reason doesnt giving me the vibe of audition.
i dont know maybe the manager send them over and is keeping an eye for statistics? :joy:
well no matter what it gives a bad taste :confused:

Bon Appetit :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Tali and Thea, this is not the proper Vhtv way of cooking :crazy_face:

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Thea, i am quite sure that them leggings are not allowing you do the stretching properly :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :innocent:

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

I need my pills :crazy_face:


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A little more specific…


Please be careful with people with a weak heart … take the pills beforehand. :joy:

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Thank you for reminding me Max :hugs:

A little video… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Décidément elle a beaucoup de qualités. Pour la harpe, on ne sait pas encore !


The most original tools in the VH-history. But a couple of swingers will be better!