
More men.

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There could be a dozen men there and none of them would shower. Given the number of females that shower there Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a sign on the door that says men are not allowed to shower.


Thanks for rubbing it in :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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She lives there!! Itā€™s normal to have a shower :grin:


Thereā€™s a few males that live at various apartments where it isnā€™t normal for them to shower (coughkencough)

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I do not think it is approbriate to react with " :-1:" on the photo @Sparkles posted. How would you feel when straight people react with that on photos of males?

Sorry I donā€™t think this is rightā€¦

He is just joking about it

Lighten up he is just fooling around. :roll_eyes:

Iā€™m sure sparkles knew I was joking (my tongue stuck out winky face emoji was a bit of a give away).

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Okay sorry I did not get it at first :see_no_evil: :slightly_smiling_face:

And being honest i didnā€™t even notice that post of you, i was checking on site what to save later and on timeline caught that good frameā€¦ Only after your answer i found the reason :grin:

sad big brother GIF by Global TV

I like Stephanieā€™s pussy, but Mira has one of the best looking pussies on the entire site. It has character, unlike the Homer Simpson pussies of the world which are good for, well, drawing pictures of Homer Simpson on them.

And, even if he was serious, Iā€™m pretty sure people are allowed to react how THEY choose.

Must admit I prefer Stephanieā€™s type of pussy, altogether neat and tidy. Just canā€™t stand those that seem to have more flaps on than a jumbo jet :sweat_smile: Others seem to have half of them falling out :joy:

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To each his own. :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

Too close wtf :thinking:

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Now that is fucking gross, looks like what hangs in a butchers shop :rofl:

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