Starlight House

Right or wrong, illegal or not the only thing I worry about is the harm the use of these stimulants may cause to Yuneska’s health…:cry:

She is a grown up woman. Old enough to know what she’s doing.

Sure she is, but lots of adults make terrible decisions that they regret later, if they are lucky enough to have the luxury to do so. That does not change the fact that I worry her choice of recreational d__g use may cause severe harm to her health in the future.

I feel sorry because there are beautiful women who come to the project as reserved, shy, faithful, etc. But then in the project itself they end up getting lost and becoming big perverts. Obviously they are adults and must know what they are doing and the path they are taking, but sometimes I think about it as watching good fruit spoil. They remain favorites, maybe thinking like that because they are good wife material doesn’t mean that even after that they aren’t, but it’s the journey that sometimes looking back makes something unnecessary.

TBH I find VH much more interesting when they are having d__g parties, there’s no acting or pretence. Except for Henry’s current mates and their d__g-taking, they are boring af. His last set of friends that have ditched him used to take d__gs (in my opinion, not proven!) and they had a good laugh. Anna and Alex had some epic sessions way back too. There have been a few other apartments - they don’t tend to stay long, they burn bright then fade away lol.

Nobody wants to see heroin or meth addicts getting their fixes and zoning out, and VH hasn’t had any of those. There have been some violent people but that is nearly always down to their mental state and a_____l.

People who want to dictate and morally judge what other adults do with their lives or put in their bodies (so long as they are not hurting other people) need to step back and reassess their priorities!

Da hier einige Experten sind die sich auskennen, möchte ich die Gelegenheit nutzen und eine Frage stellen die mich schon lange interessiert. Ich hab mehrfach beobachtet, dass sich Männliche Akteure eine graue Substanz aus einer kleinen Blechdose zwischen Oberkiefer und Oberlippe schieben sobald sich abzeichnet, dass die Angebetete willig ist den Geschlechtsakt zu vollziehen, kurz gesagt ficken will. Was ist das für eine Substanz? Sorry ich weiß, dass es mit dem Starlight house nichts zu tun hat, aber die Gelegenheit war günstig

I believe that is Smokeless Tobacco.


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Snus - very common in Sweden and Norway

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Whats happen? Been offline since morning!

Winter closure :slight_smile: Back next fall… maybe :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Electricity went out

consomation excessive?

All day long? They must have circuit breakers.

What those ISP means?

fournisseur d’accès internet (FAI)

So the tecnical internet support there must be very bad 2 days with no acess. This dosent happen where i live.

The electricity went out. They are working on it. ISP Issues is not true.

Must be hard to live with no eletricity its like dark age time hehe. No tv,no Internet, how they cook i think it was eletric also.

le proprietaire a t’il fait coupé l’électricité? si c’est une panne ça reviens assez vite normalement.

With all the storms affecting Europe the outage may be prolonged due to the adverse weather conditions (including heavy rainfall) Which the utility companies are fighting against.