Sophia, Elon, Claudia

if you want to come to Italy the doors are open …


if you want I will also give you the keys to my house … (YOU ARE WELCOME)


Спасибо большое за предложение


Мы снова в дороге


We hear the Russian attacks are stopped by heroic Ukranian army. Russian soldiers did not expect any resistance. Their moral is low. Good news but it also means the fighting will continue for a long time. You guys have many many friends. We want to help you. Get in safety, away from danger. You are not alone. Peace! :heart:


There are no words. I am sure many viewers are just thankful that you all are still together – and that even in this time, you are updating VHTV forum. Grazie mille from Italy.

I am happy to see that Sophia, Elon and Claudia are safe, best wishes again from Scotland who stand shoulder to shoulder with our Ukrainian friends.

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That 's great news that all of them are safe sending prayers for ur safe journey :pray:

How is everything going? Any update?

They made it to Lviv Oblast. 100km from Poland border. It is relatively safe there. No Russian troops there.


Good to hear. Seriously.

Best wishes to you guys and I am very happy to see you are safe and well. :heart:


Wieso kann man kein Geld an senden? Ist das keine Null nach sophia oder ist der Geldverkehr gesperrt?

Hola, mas arriba en los mensajes Elon dejo datos certeros de sus cuentas para poder transferir, fijate…

You can do it through the donate button on their page as it is the safest and quickest way to do so as their paypal isn’t working:

  1. just click their name on the list even though it says offline
  2. click ‘Donate’ below their floor plan and it will say you have zero coins
  3. Click ‘Get more coins’
  4. buy the coins and then click the donate and put in how many coins you wish to donate

VHTV has said they will send the payment free of charge and ASAP

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That data from Elon is out of date now.


Telegram tambien, desactualizo?

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No, that’s fine but they aren’t answering at the moment as I guess they are stuck at the border.

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aaahhh ok dices los chicos… yo me referia a las cuentas para que le puedan enviar dinero…

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I don’t want their money :rofl: :rofl:

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