Sophia, Elon, Claudia

Fisting @ Sophia & Elon’s



Dang Claudia used it so much, she broke it! :laughing: :laughing:


What happened to that photo? It is pixelated to the max…

I am not sure, I have been experiencing really bad connection issues, it is possible this affected it. I run 50 MB but for some reason this sites speed is only showing 1MB

Should rename apartment to Claudia & Elon and Others

полиаморнные отношения это прекрасно )

да мы с Клаудией чаше занимаемся сексом но мы все друг друга любим. а как называется наша квартира это дело другое я можно называть ее хоть хоромы страсти :sunglasses:


Elon’s Harem!

Does Elon post his photos anywhere or are they available?

That interests me too. It’s just a personal collection or maybe you publish them somewhere, @Sophia_Elon?

I’m asking for a friend :rofl:

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dont know the fasination of taking all these photos they can watch it back anyway , and if he holds her any harder by the neck he will break it , there is hard sex and just dangerous . this is now getting very close . holding and pulling like thot is not good

and for me too

may be ‘‘fuckodrome’’ :crazy_face:

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What are the names of these Elon visitors?


Not everyone has that luxury.

yes they can , anyone who is a partisipant can watch it back on there computer same as any paying person can . but should think they get it as part of them being in the prodgect

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Never mind. Thought you were talking about something else.

it’s great and there are few relationships where it works as well as it does with Elon I hope we can enjoy it for a long time … “Elon forever and everyone” :blush: :innocent:

First one is Zeta, second one has no name yet.

Voyeur House TV Forum

Sophia & Elon

This was the first realm I added to my favourites. A special and unique relationship with all 3 and great parties. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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