Sophia, Elon, Claudia

Waiting together for your turn… :joy:

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I can’t see Sophia in it.

The man with the Mask is in the House :joy: :joy: :joy:

lo unico que he dado es un consejo medico, tienen que adelgazar por su salud

You are not a doctor and are not qualified to give that advice, plus it is no one’s business to say what they should or not do in their lives and what you are doing is fat shaming which is so wrong in anyone’s book so best stop it right away. :rage:

These sorts of comments are said to a friend quietly out of personal concern not in public to someone you don’t know on an open forum.

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In the first place, it is not necessary to be a doctor to know that being overweight is detrimental to health, and secondly, from the precise moment in which these people have made their lives public by broadcasting it on the Internet, charging for it and therefore turning it into a spectacle, those who observe it are perfectly entitled to comment on what they see, provided of course that it is done with education and respect.

It is not our right to tell people what they should or not do in their lives our role on this forum is to observe and comment not to give advice on what their bodies should be like.

Many women have complexes about their bodies and you and I don’t know the reason why they are overweight as there could be a multitude of medical reasons.

Both girls have spoken about this and have gone over this in the past and are extremely sensitive to the subject, so if people don’t have common decency or sensitivity to know what could upset people then maybe they should think twice about what they write and how it could affect people.


I don’t like your comments either. if you find something wrong with either of them, just walk away and watch another realm. we love girls just the way they are.


He had an argument with myself and @Bluewinner on another participant’s page so I really question his motives in posting at all.

Being a voyeur and not a poster didn’t last too long did it?

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I’ve changed my mind, I hope it’s not among your prohibitions that people change their minds, and if it is, I don’t care at all.

I will give my opinion whenever I feel like it and I will not stop doing so because my opinion, always polite and respectful, does not coincide with that of other participants in the forum.
It seems that some of you are annoyed that someone thinks differently from you, you will have to adapt to modern times.

Sorry if I interfere. You’re right in principle, of course, but I can’t remember, for example, that you were so committed to Ken and Barbie, although it was often written about them being too skinny.

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I still think that recommending someone, politely, to lose weight is not disrespectful, like other participants it would not be a bad idea to recommend that they not _____ so much, but it is not about imposing anything on anyone and I do not see why they should Getting upset is not an insult, it is advice that would be given to any friend.

Sorry, I just don’t watch those places and I really don’t know anything about them. :slight_smile:


Which would be said in private to them, plus we aren’t their friends so your point is irrelevant.

Anyway, I have said enough on the subject but if your ill-conceived motives wish to carry on with such crass insensitivities then that says an enormous amount about you as a person.

I personally do not wish to highlight this nor promote it, so that is the last I say on the matter and unlike you, I stick to what I say.

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Well said :clap:

si no me gusta su pelo podré decirlo o tampoco no?
Que el foro está hecho para opinar. os guste o no, y como bien dice cataluña siempre que no se falte al respeto cosa que nunca he hecho

Outside of Catalonia there is such a thing as politeness. and as a polite person you think your part but you don’t talk about it. you seem to enjoy provoking more and more. just stop it and just start being “a voyeur”.

It seems very good to me, but what I will not admit is that no forum member is granted the role of Political Commissioner of the forum and blesses or disapproves the comments of others depending on whether they are in line with theirs, if we agree on something well and if not then I’m sorry, you’re going to have to take more than one walk.

That’s got to be enough now and I have sent you both a message @Catalonia & @ALGECIRAS explaining why and please read it.