Should we have some basic rules for posting pictures on the forum?

Are you on CC ? it’s on your profile page. just click on your profile picture ( top right hand side of the page ) and it takes you there, number of points that you have earned is on your stat bar.PM me if you need more help. :wink:

I assume you mean another forum? No I only use this one so I would want to find that information here, rather than anywhere else.

yeah, it’s another forum. sorry for the confusion. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Always in my heart

Loving I Love You GIF


Short vids are a solution indeed, but, in the very large majority of cases, the pics collages are covering actions from start to the end, which means a quite long period of time and i believe that isn’t in anyone’s interest (participants or VHTV) to allow such long vids being posted on the forum (basically k__ling the archive)

I see sometimes vids which are 6,7,8 min long and i believe that is a much bigger problem than pics collages

Come on man, you often post pic collages with pictures that are less than 10-30 seconds apart.

Would you like us to start another topic for this? :thinking:

I would rather scroll past a video (regardless of length that’s VHTV’s issue) then multiple posts of 20 screenshots sometimes 10/20 seconds apart

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So far the majority of the forum would agree with this statement. :muscle:

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When I mentioned the videos, I meant the usual length of 2 to 3 minutes. There, too, you can show as much as in picture collages by simply pressing the pause button more often while recording and continuing to record again after a few minutes.
I usually never look at these masses of pictures. And I can’t imagine that there are many users in the forum who actually look at all of these pictures.

As a rule, I just scroll past these posts because the scenes shown can usually still be seen in the timeline and then I prefer to watch them there in “moving pictures”.

I do agree with you on this one.

I’ve taken to right click/download on any video loger than 1 min or so. Can then view offline when I rarely have a problem (also can download Toreys vids - they say they are audio but download as .mov)

That was the original idea of the forum in my opinion, for members to point to moments of interest that other members might have missed, now you have multiple posts/screenshots of the entire scene and often they are cropped of the time stamp

I guess it’s up to everyone’s preferences. I am the opposite, very rarely open the vids uploaded on the forum but i check the pics.

I do agree that there are some moments when a short video is much more helpful in describing a certain situation

It is true :thinking:
Haven’t thought about it in the last 10 years

simple solution to stop the problem 9 pics in 1

One Hundred Sgn GIF by SomeGoodNews

Damn am I sick? I don’t think I have ever been agreeing with you so much. :sweat_smile:

20 posts were merged into an existing topic: Purgatorium :poop:

I would never do this…

This Is Us Laughing GIF by Emmys

Remove leaderboard problem solved no competition no problem :wink: they are competing with each other…. Just want free gifts and bonuses….

what theres a leaderboard ??/ damm ignore all my previous comments and suggestions , im gonna spam the fuk out of the forum now ,I WANNA BE NUMBER 1 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: