Shana (Archived Topic)

whatever they did in the hidden room they all cane out and were coughing like mad :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:


I wonder what the kids did in the "secret / bathroom " that made them get silly an cough a lot :wink: :wink: :grin: :upside_down_face:

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we will never know :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: its the second gray room next to the bathroom, a few off them disappeared into it at the last party

Is it Chyna lying on the bed ?

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who is the girl staring at the camera?
she s so cute :heart_eyes:

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A little too dry “stuff”.



Shana is so beautiful great body :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Wow, how wonderful and wonderful this scene is


Sorry for my late answer, but that is Chyna. She’s a more or less frequent guest here and in a couple of other apartments :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Koen
can you please tell us why wendy left shana’s apartment?
is it because you are now together?
or was there a problem between them?
It was so nice to see you three together.

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This guy is a bit slow…
If I was him I would have had my head buried between Shana’s legs by now.

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Party at [Jirina & Tejo, Indira & Kostja tonight , fun with Shana .
Starts ok

Benny AKA wally wiggle worm bails early

Stretch gets a go …

No more than 3 Minutes later …

POP go the dynamite !!! :grin:
Leaving our Princess to slay her own fiery beast :sob: :cry: :disappointed_relieved:


She’s only found “two pump chumps” lately…

Today it was three then. She apparently has lost her best lay to Wendy and Marica based on them showing up to the party together and leaving together

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I don’t know what happened with Wendy but it’s a shame, there was something pleasant between Shana, Wendy, Marica and Koen.
it’s so sad to see her so alone :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved:
now, if she wants, I agree to adopt her :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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adopt … or ‘adopt’ ? :wink:

but yes, this triangle (or square with marica) had something. I will miss that

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i miss Wendy sooo much!