Shana (Archived Topic)

more like left bunion

Sucky fucky 5 dolla , Henry

big flopy tail Palmer Party,
terrible to sea him preaching preaching preaching…

Has he ever looked in the mirror when wearing that grandad cap :rofl:

Henry has just arrived.


Henry seems to have got the taste for Shana since his last visit.

hmmm 2 ladies… and 4 guys… wonder how this all plays out??

Anybody holding the counts for Wendy (girls and guys ?

The guy in the white shirt stands out like a sore thumb, geek or a wet noodle (wet blanket). He always attends these parties but is mainly fully dressed. He is like the only person fully dressed at a nudist club or nudist beach. He sure looks pathetic. The voyeur cams are like flies on the wall enabling viewers to see everything. He is a fly buzzing around enabling him to see all the action up close so not all bad for him plus he gets free food. Wouldn’t he rather be engorging himself at the “all-you-can-eat” pussy buffet? Guess not. That’s okay - Henry makes up for him with his extra helpings.

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just wish he just go away


That is Palmer otherwise known as The Drone.

Das ist der Obdachlose schmarotzer Palmer er isst ,Raucht und Säuft sich überall durch Er befummelt alle Frauen aber wenn es ernst wird steht er mit seinem 5cm Pimmel dumme da. Deshalb zieht er sich auch nicht aus.

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Good evening all you wonderful people, haven’t been on here for a few weeks, I’ve been on holiday, having fun in the sun… :sunglasses:
I’ve been watching this evenings party…enjoyable as it is…I feel it would improve greatly if Henry and Palmer would suddenly disappear.
In my opinion, the party would heat up greatly if the younger foursome were left alone.
Hope everyone on here is fit and well.
Peace and love to all.

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ok… so Marica may be gone… but I have replaced her with Wendy for the time being. Love the way she is so outgoing and always smiling just like Marica was. Both have a very likeable personality and both very beautiful and Sexy.

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so now its Wendy turn to watch and admire Shana enjoy the night thats what true friends do!!