Darn why does she keep climbing BrokeDick Mountain ? another guick draw fer round two …
Guyz take a page from this guy "
7:25 Now playing
Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Relax
Seeing you call yourself a twat made me laugh . I don’t know where you are in the world but in England there is a lot of fuss about people working from home and not going back to the office very much after covid. Those doing only three days a week in the office are thought of as twats - Tuesday Wednesday And Thursday ! Sorry to go off message .
Open image in paint, then
crop and Resize
Unfortunately you will lose some clarity and focus! But it works for me!
looks like a bath time for Wendy and Koen
It seems that Shana and Wendy have been given a dog-sitting assignment, as Savannah and Troy have left Lissa with them.
Happy to see Lissa back . I bet Snoopy can’t wait to go there now
@jabbath1987 Need to use this pic in the Wiki collection … great photo of Lissa!! (and of course Wendy is delicious!)
Already added Was even faster than your request
Also glad to see Lissa again
They couldn’t leave Lissa at M&H, she would have been sexually ______ by Snoopy all the time.
Be careful … you almost charged Snoopy with ____… you know what these woke columnists are like. They would have been asking for the ultimate sentence on him. Cut off his balls.