Shana (Archived Topic)

Old faithful Maren eh always there to oblige :laughing:
She wants it as bad as Henry :laughing:

Sure got the old dependable brigade tonight as Felix has to grab his chance :laughing:

When nobody else is interested lol

Yep. like two old dogs on heat waiting for the bitch :laughing:


For me, Maren is currently the most beautiful participant, if I had known that she would be a guest tonight, I would have bought an overpayment

Well Henry got no one else now to service him :laughing:

Can someone upload some videos from Maren from tonight’s gathering. Thank you

Not worth it really with that b___dy lighting

At least the sex addicts Debbie & Paul have escaped :laughing:

Funny really how Maren is the only one now that will let him have it, she must be as desperate as they are :rofl:
All over just in time before they go home :rofl:

Makes you wonder if this is the end of the Henry era :roll_eyes:

This will be an unpopular opinion but this realm (if it’s the end ) is not Henry’s fault. It’s Loki’s since he moved in Shana’s mood, demeaner, and attitude has changed. Yes I’ll agree some for the good but she has not hosted parties she is somewhat isolated if they do go to a party she has to “behave” and they leave early. I wish her the best she deserves it but don’t think its this way with him…

Well that last ditch shag came just in time before departure :rofl:

Lol you can’t blame Loki for all the failures, this has been coming for a long while now slowly as when the drift away started.

maybe it’s just the end of you and like-minded people…

Who knows what will happen in this strange world eh :roll_eyes:

Maren has certainly a fine body on her and good to look at.

definitely a better world… :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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Depends which part you are in i suppose :laughing: