Shana (Archived Topic)

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Number one, Shana has a solid following WITHOUT @Henry 's support. number two, he’s always trying to up her viewership (for his own benefit), not necessary, her following is solid, number three, based on many comments, WE miss the original Mira and Henri. If you have been here a minute, you would understand. I was not or intended to be rude, just factual. So, who’s the “dick head”, to quote you???

No you weren’t being “factual”, saying that he only goes to Shana for views is just a theory you have come up with. You’re jumping to conclusions when the much more simple explanation for his visit is that he likes her, which is what he said when you replied so rudely.

Again you are jumping to conclusions that I am new around here. What do you base this on? One way to measure this would be when my forum account is created (not ideal as I had a VHTV account a while before the official forum was created) That being said my account is around 5 months older than yours. If i were you I wouldn’t make claims like this because there is no way to back up your statement.

As someone else mentioned, you don’t speak for everyone. And what you miss is the idea of “the original Mira and Henry” which is an idea you have came up with yourself. You expect them to act the way you want them to but no matter how long you have been watching them, you don’t know these people personally so who are you to say who they should be and how they should act to be true to themselves.

Finally I didn’t say you were a dick head, just that responding the way you did is something a dick head would do

You didn’t read close enough, @Shana needs no help, she’s gorgeous and appealing the way she is, and there are those of us who miss the original “red” apartment days of Mira and Henri. Simple enough, no need to call anyone a “dick head”.

Not only did i not say anyone needed help, I also didn’t call anyone dickhead

Just a Chyna account !!!

Whatdoiknow is a bitter old man. It’s often next to impossible to reason with him. Sadly, the wise decision most of the time is to not to engage him and let him sulk in his own misery…

Whereas @NotSeth exists just to stir up s__t, which part of "

Fist off your comment is not grammatically correct. Strange for someone that constantly boasts about how superior their vocabulary and intellect is compared everyone else.

Second that has nothing to do with my observation about you being bitter, angry, hostile and usually impossible to reason with.
I really should take my own advice and:

I like the rabbit. :rofl: :rofl:

or is it a cat?


Sonya gets a bath

nice hair @Shana, looks similar to Sonya’s. :rofl: :heart_eyes:

Just joking, you look wonderful.


I remember when Shana and Elisha were brought over to the M&M apartment last year. They both were dressed like a couple of college students, so innocent looking

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the movie starts soon


and done:


@Shana can you imagine how much she could make just sending her selfies out for $$'s? Oh wait, we get them “kind of” with our membership. Still, a high quality photo, not one of Henrys cameras, would be nice.

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F____r Christmas is trying to visit every young girls abode this evening.

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@Shana Happy Holidays :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:


@Shana If I had known that you would be alone I would have invited you to mine…problem…UK maybe a little too far for a day trip.