Shana (Archived Topic)

Maybe we should ask Marla and Hector to write a translator. They are Italian, Marla knows English and she knows how to write software.

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thanks for the information as soon as I can Iā€™ll write to himā€¦ :+1:

Shana packing . oh

:thinking: :fearful:
I really hope not

Oh crap, could she be the latest from Henryā€™s empire to leave

Indira will come in her place.

she need a break, the last few weeks have been nerve-wracking

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could just be sorting out the washing


Youā€™re right I think

Just clean up the laundry :sweat_smile:

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@shana love the look of intensity of whatever your watching

:heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:



I like this girl,!! And you,?


Yes we like this girl, but we donā€™t need your input to do so, thatā€™s why she is still here and a favoriteā€¦ please fix yourselves. We miss the old Mira and Henriā€¦

Henry never said you need his input to like her. I hope you will eventually be able to overcome whatever is causing you to be so hostile and angry.

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Iā€™m amazed at such a rude response. Are you aware that you present yourself as a dick head?

Are you talking about yourself in plural,

or who made you the spokesman of the community???

Everyone loves Shana.

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I did I thought it might cheer him up a little bit.

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Just reflecting otherā€™s comments in the past, not just my ownā€¦ back to the basement Juniorā€¦

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This girl or any girl? :laughing: