Isn’t the point to bring in views? They seem to be doing a pretty good job of that without actually having to fuck anybody. A pretty smart business decision if you ask me.
I’m going to pass on visualizing your moving parts.
It becomes pointless with constant repetition. It’s like watching a stupid film for the fifth time.
the one i feel really bad for is Shana as she tries to help and is hurt all the time
I didn’t say I like it, but it does seem to bring in the views and forum engagement.
Where are the other voices coming from? The hidden room?
shana has alexa playin in the livingroom
I have to say that I am one of the members who like drama, but what has been going on for months during I&K is beyond even my interest.
I am one of the teams who has been calling the return of I&K a mistake and these developments only reinf___e that belief. Not just because of the pile of tears, shouting and fights between them, but because they are becoming party destroyers.
If the party had gone the way it was probably planned yesterday, there would have been twice as much forum participation. And twice as many people would have been happy with what they (would) saw.
My guess.
They have always been like this. They go to a party. Someone tries to fuck Indira. Kostja gets upset and sulks, rinse and repeat. This has been going on for as long as they have been a couple.
So will it be Indira finally getting away from Kosta, The both leave and we never see them again wondering what happened???
Lol is that drama still going? Did I miss anything? Not willing to read 150 new comments
Lol, just watch from here for few minutes, and that’s all
You could say there is drama going on? Same s__t, different day but with intense anger
Drama is part of the life of I&K. Why are some people surprised each time it happens?
This time they both left to sulk outside I guess?
Honestly, I don’t have any idea or really care. I just want to see Indira in hot sex parties like when she first joined the project.
We really shouldn’t be. Thanks Henry, you money hungry Son of a b… Ruin someone’s life, or several,
:grimacing well. Just part of the business
Was there Chyna’s action tonight ?
Does Chyna give a blowjob ?
Yes, but only one.