Shana (Archived Topic)

Funny how they separated Kostja from Indira. Jinira trying to get Indira sex up with the young guy

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Painter man now got a snail trail down his leg

She’ll rub her body maybe a little touch and then blue balls lol

kostja just got a tablet from henry :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

that wont help…it’s what is in the mind not what is in the b___d

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lol sometimes its in the b___d takes a while to work :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

he had a talk to indira them got one

Might be something Henry won’t Kostja to slip into her _____ to get her ready for a gang bang? Maybe

Group Orgy Sex GIF by South Park

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Have we all seen what Kostja is doing…fully clothed he watches three on the bed…then he watches 2/3 guys in the bath.

kostja keeps staring at the guy

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see a very good doctor because you are travelling too far in your imagination…

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Nothing there, just part of the script to keep him away from Indira, while Henry and Jirina get her ready for action

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Oh my! Can only imagine what would happen if I said this. You’re probably right.

the guy nearly p________t dancing

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F me…Kostja has taken his shirt off…only taken 6/7 hours!

look at indiras face


Henry is always doing disgusting things. Even Jirina looks at him dumbfounded.

Just wondering…what kind of dog is Sonya? Does it not have a tail?

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I wonder what Henry would’ve done if indira had just s__t in henry’s face at that moment.

yea… everyone talks about Henry secret room… but Shana has 2 secret rooms. Shana and Chyna walked out of the bathroom and into the very next room and shut the door.