@shana…you are perfection.
Please never change,…I love your beauty., your happy disposition, the way you bring joy and happiness to all your friends.
Such qualities in a sexy, desirable woman such as you is very rare.
Love, good health and peace to you… you are a beautiful vision to all on here… when I see you it brightens up my day.
I see they are trying to recruit another girl in to be there money maker
Studio Managers ? Don’t they work for VHTV?
@Shana reminds me of a Russian lady version of Beavis and Butt-Head in that pic.
So, I had my phone stolen last week and have only got back online. I guess I missed a s__tload of events, but I also enjoyed the break. Amazing that the alphabet freaks are still at it and have amassed over 3500 comments on I/K/J/m/T even here on Shana’s new place. I’m going to miss mikl though as he made things happen. Of course the hater’s are probably over the moon
Being the the gentleman perv I am…OMG, I would love to see an additional cam looking down on the bathtub … Oh wait…
Must admit Shana seems to be a bit of a disappointment now in her own apartment?
give it time every new flower needs time to blossom,
I agree, change doesn’t always translate into better. The party the other night was a disapointment, but I put that down to the apartment layout and Mira k__ling the party with a lecture about expenses in the middle of it!
Maybe but it seems to happen quite often when a most randy girl gets her own apartment, very strange.
well it ain’t as though she hasn’t been blossoming for b___dy weeks now very well
The other issue being a sole tenant, spending time in the bedroom getting fucked by Koen, a good host it does not make. Some of her guests left without saying goodbye to her because she was pre-occupied.
Not as though there is any relaxing seating in the living room, standing room only mostly Wants kitting out a bit better i think.