Shana (Archived Topic)

@shana…you are perfection.
Please never change,…I love your beauty., your happy disposition, the way you bring joy and happiness to all your friends.
Such qualities in a sexy, desirable woman such as you is very rare.
Love, good health and peace to you… you are a beautiful vision to all on here… when I see you it brightens up my day.


Nice view…


I see they are trying to recruit another girl in to be there money maker

Studio Managers ? Don’t they work for VHTV?


@Shana reminds me of a Russian lady version of Beavis and Butt-Head in that pic. :see_no_evil: :sweat_smile:

Beavis And Butthead Cartoon GIF

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So, I had my phone stolen last week and have only got back online. I guess I missed a s__tload of events, but I also enjoyed the break. Amazing that the alphabet freaks are still at it and have amassed over 3500 comments on I/K/J/m/T :man_facepalming:t4: even here on Shana’s new place. I’m going to miss mikl though as he made things happen. Of course the hater’s are probably over the moon


Think they’re going to M&H :rofl:


oops :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Being the the gentleman perv I am…OMG, I would love to see an additional cam looking down on the bathtub :angel: … Oh wait… :smiling_imp: :grin: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:.

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not keen on the word perv or pervert.i would say we are naked woman enthusiasts.sounds a lot better


Must admit Shana seems to be a bit of a disappointment now in her own apartment?

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give it time every new flower needs time to blossom,

I agree, change doesn’t always translate into better. The party the other night was a disapointment, but I put that down to the apartment layout and Mira k__ling the party with a lecture about expenses in the middle of it!

Maybe but it seems to happen quite often when a most randy girl gets her own apartment, very strange.

well it ain’t as though she hasn’t been blossoming for b___dy weeks now very well :rofl:

The other issue being a sole tenant, spending time in the bedroom getting fucked by Koen, a good host it does not make. Some of her guests left without saying goodbye to her because she was pre-occupied.

Not as though there is any relaxing seating in the living room, standing room only mostly :rofl: Wants kitting out a bit better i think.

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