Shana (Archived Topic)

…and so the sun sets on another peaceful day in VHTV…or does it,what is Jirina up to??

I was always taught to never go to s___p if your having an argument as its always harder to change it later.

I think I&K need to sort this or it will become hard for to sort of course some would be happy if this happens

I like them together when they are so enjoyable together

Would be surprised if they don’t fuck in the bathtub. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Have they worked things out now?

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Until the next time I suppose…I wish they could sort themselves out , when they are happy they are soooo much better.

Kissing each other so all looks good :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Kostja kissed her neck and she gave In

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The best thing they could do for themselves is avoid Jirina and Henry!

Don’t think that is possible in the realm they are in

Well Jirina anyway…judging by the way Indira acts and smiles all the time , Henry is good for her.


Unfortunately Henry controls all their money in this situation, so she has no free choice but to accept him.

I wish Kostja could learn more about the setup and maintenance of the cameras, and they could split off and become their own managers!

Think I remember Kostja helping Henry one time but I think the cost would be a bit more than they could afford sadly

They seem OK having these little threesomes with Henry, but Jirina practically tried to orchestrate a Russell /Indira hookup, without her permission, that’s low, even by her standards. Then she seems to tell Kostja indira is going to fuck him, so she created conflict, using, Russell, Mille, Indira and Kostja, without their direct knowledge, that’s sickening

It seemed rather obvious how she waited till Kostja stepped out of the room for a minute!

They are giving everyone the soap opera that most people seem to desire.

Anticipation Popcorn GIF|400 x182

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I knew she wouldn’t fuck him, but he had no idea she wouldn’t, Russell was nothing more than a pawn in Jirina’s game, feel sorry for him



That was in accordance with Kostja, he asked, she nodded her head.

Rmember, Kostja guided Indira into the room after some strong reminders in the hall.

I think Kostja was aware what was planned, Russel to my understanding even asked if Kostja was ok with it.