Shana (Archived Topic)

il lavoro prima di tutto, prima il dovere poi il piacere


Is this Blonde guy new too?


lo sta battezzando :rofl:una brava professionista :clap: :clap: :clap:

How do you know that Elisha is living with Shana?

I’m not gay, but I have to admit, this guy has an enviable “tool”

Big or small, all that matters is you know how to use it

Look at the apartment list! This is now Shana,Elisha&Karel.

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Because it says so in the apartment title.:roll_eyes:

Calm down , please, There is no need for insults!

The name change can take place after log in and the old name remains until reloading the screen!

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Ok will amend to suit your sensitive disposition :laughing:

I see Henry’s left Mira home, what’s he fancying his chances :laughing:

That’s OK, She spent some time playing with her Mr. Pink.

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I think she’s great. It’s not always how beautiful a woman is on the outside, you could marry the most beautiful woman in the world and be married to the biggest bitch in the world. As you said Elisa may not be the most beautiful woman on the site but get that gut feeling she’s one of the most beautiful inside. I like her a lot.

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How long ago was that?

God you got me thinking now, must have been at least a couple of months i reckon.

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I like a big woman that’s playful and enjoys life. She is beautiful and I look forward to getting to know her.

She’s certainly let herself go a bit since her Marica/Mikl apartment days

he is 23. she is going slowly

Oddly enough, Shana and Elisha love being together, but also can’t be together long without issues. Not trying to be negative, but I don’t see this arrangement lasting for too long sadly…
