Shana (Archived Topic)

The more we see them join the games… I would say,

In the past-VHTV-visits, Indira really covered up, except for the night at Henry’s place, when MWK were there, she slept just in panty and took a shower, like at MWK once and at Shana’s once (hair-colour-day)

Now after the 1st oct and tonight, they i.e. Indira shows some meat, and that is to me what indicates the

possibility of them comming back, unless they are hired from VHTV or Henry for individual appearance, and the agreement says

“titts out for so long, blowjob, fucking till squirt…a,s,o” which rules the income.

When Indira said good-bye to Shana tonight, it looked, like she was sad to not see her for a while.

Would they come back as permanent to VHTV, I think that wouldn’t be the case.


‘Indira was looking after Henry tonight’ - so what will happen at the next party when there will be a new pretty girl and Kostjia will start looking after her, grabbing her and kissing her ?
Will Indira be OK with that ?
Actually, we have never seen such a scene before - exception being when Jirian and Shana pinned down Kostja in at the old apartment in the bedroom - and even this is not a good comparison to Kostja having to watch his girl-friend being handled by boss Henry.
Since February, during all the parties at the old apartment was anyone able to able to handle a half naked Indira the way she was handled today by Henry.
I still recall Indira telling Kostja how painful it was to her to see him with another woman and him telling her that it was even more painful to him to see her with another man.
Something appears to definitely have changed since those days.

Henry played his games as usual, and still I think he has taken posession of Indira, and wherever they

will meet, he will demonstrate to Kostja who’s the boss.

He doesn’t give a s__t, if Kostja is standing next to them, while crawling Indira’s titts, or demonstratively kisses her in front of Kostja on the loggia.

I think on the longrun Kostja will have to be happy with what Henry leaves over of Indira. And Indira seems to please herself in that position. She goes back to Kostja, but if Henry whistles, she will only have one master in the future.


off course he wouldn’t be Henry had he not involved himself in the tittie-kisses and feeling up butt.

demonstration of what Henry can take if he wants. And Indira follows.

I can’t imagine K & I staying too long together in this new arrangement.
This is very different from anything they have been through until now.
It is one thing to participate in a foursome where Kostja is a full participant or in an orgy where both K & I would actively participate. Here it is for the first time an even where Indira is a sex toy just like a Shana, Elisha or Marica. So today it was Henry who was all over her. On the current path, next week it could be any other guy just as easily. Henry initiates and then he hands over his girls to the next guy. At least Marica had a Mikl who got very busy fucking other women while Marica was getting her fun. . Same with Elisha and her dude… But here, once again Kostja is a by-stander. Someone new looking at this scene would assume that Indira is in a relationship with Henry and Kostja is just one of the guys in the room. We have not seen that movie before.

Henry wasn’t over Indira the whole time, he also interacted with other people at the party,

but that’s not even necessary, to make Kostja feel like second choice, I think.

Tonight I felt like Indira belongs to Henry, and Kostja may sniff at her occasionally.

And to point that out clear from my perception,

Henry performs it, and Indira supports it for whatever reason.

In the very beginning I said, if Kostja wants to keep a little bit of Indira, he will have to give up a big chunk

of her voluntarily, otherwise it will be taken.

And that is what I still think, now more, than three months ago.

Indira freed herself out of her Kostja-cage. If Kostja leaves it open, she will probably come back in,

if not, she will take the best opportunity and be gone.


Henry does not keep any of his girls too long. He usually hands them over to his buddies.
Is that what we can expect ?

I go back to the K & I private conversations where they appeared madly in love with each other and were strategizing how to survive. The result of these strategies were many months where it was obvious to all who walked into the apartment that Indira was not one of the fuck-toys.
This evening she looked like one of the fuck toys.
There were however also moments where there was a lot of tension between them and Indira appeared to be the one who wanted a major change and Kostja would remind her that they had an agreement.

That is not what we saw today. There appears to be a new strategy in place, if it is a strategy.
K & I not having a place where we can hear their private conversations so we have really no idea if they have a plan or if things happen because during the months outside of VHTV they really hit an economic wall. The war situation does not help. I am also surprised that none of these guys has been mobilized into the army.

I suspect that there will be sequels to this movie.

I am beginning to wonder if Indira and Kostja belong together. Indira with Mikl are probably a more realistic pair.

I don’t quite agree with you

If it were the way you write, Henry wouldn’t have let Indira leave at 3:00 AM and Henry wouldn’t have been sitting like this now.

I think Indira and Kostja still decide for themselves what they want to participate in.

This group was way too big to participate with pleasure

They have become a lot freer after last week

When they went to the bedroom with them alone it took about an hour, last week what happened with their 4 more than 3 hours

Think they will continue with these kinds of parties but if they need more than just a party they will do it in smaller groups

That’s how I feel about it, but I could be wrong

We’ll see, maybe this weekend you never know


I agree, Kostja and indira would possibly be ok doing stuff with 2 people in an apartment, wither it’s with Henry and Mira, maybe Elisha and Karel, she once was interested in Kostja, and shana and whoever, since Shana and Kostja had chemistry before. I believe it’s an over reaction to say Henry was all over her.he spent more time with his arms around her he may have made out with her once

I’ll put the answers into I&K

Definitely sad, I love Kostja alot

Well i thought that was a terrific evening. Lots of sexy fun. The sort of night that i pay my dues to VHTV for
i thought i would just show some shots perhaps entitled
''Games people play ‘’ - i know a couple of them are just about repeats from higher up the thread but they seem to fit in here as well . I have to say my favourite , and most innovative was the target they managed to get Jirina to squirt over. She was in tears of pleasure, and laughter . …on demand??

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Chyna wasn’t there

I still believe the time off gave I&K the chance they needed to work out the rules they will use in sexual situations, and these visits are to 1 see their friends, and 2. test the rules and consider a return to the project but , only under in their choices!

I don’t know where any of the others are right now, but Shana is home with Mellon?

I think Shana is ready!


allora è amore ? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Maybe it is, She certainly deserves it!

Who is Chyna ?:grin::smile::smiley:

Shana has a visitor.

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Will he be the next one ?

Isn’t that Pitter, Jirinas’ boy-toy?