Shana (Archived Topic)


stasera Shana ha messo su un vestitino sobrio :wink:

I&K at Shana

Have they been to shana’s apartment more than once since they left

I do not remember for sure. But I think there were some quick visits :wink:

I’m just curious if Indira and Kostja are so free again this time. :thinking:

My guess if they were alone with 2 people they know, then maybe, but a nothing night wouldn’t shock me either

The last time I&K were here, was for a hair salon appointment about 3 weeks ago, I think!

after all others are gone,

just the question who will stay at the end,

or will it be another gangbang? :rofl: :imp: :rofl:

They’re playing the game pretty well so far.

I really wish they setup a better camera view for that part of the room, since they do so much in that space!



If kostja fucked indira, mira, and shana in one night people would lose their minds lol

And participating in the games, tells me they are ready “to play”

Would not be surprised if Henry would take Indira to the bedroom for a while,

considering her a free shot after oct 1st.

I would say, Indira could fuck any of the guys, only after Henry has sucked them dry!

Or a repeat with kostja getting a blowjob from Indira while she’s fucked

For many months K & I were to some extent predictable to us viewers. Since last week, anything can happen or nothing can happen. We have lost all ability to project how the evening will proceed

ı bet after henry fucks with indira ,costa will lick indira’s pussy. :boom:he cleaned her pussy after henry last time.


Henry did that to mira after Kostja fucked her in January