Shana (Archived Topic)


Well done Shana, quick recovery. Nothing like a little bate to improve your health.

Well she wouldn’t be clickbait if she lived here. She would be doing all her Chaturbate shows here. Which would mean we would get to see all the goods for free.

I just know you would love to have another webcam realm. :sweat_smile:

You can see most of her shows for free on CB/Stripchat and close up too :wink:

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You can watch them on chaturbate when you want. So no reason to make this place another boring webcamming place.

It was a joke jabba. I know you would hate to see Chaturbate shows being broadcast out of Shana’s realm.

Don’t speak too soon eh, be careful what you wish for :laughing: or in Jabs case what you don’t wish for :laughing:

Someone as pretty as you shouldn’t get sick! Get well soon


That’s right, only ugly people deserve sickness :man_facepalming:

This is our nightly Chyna teasing the viewers hour

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They dance with Sonya!


The Muppet Show Muppets GIF

Tired Pbs Nature GIF by Nature on PBS

Just a thought… can everyone please consider stopping dissing Chyna? She cams… so what? So do others surprisingly of late and no dis there. She’s been a solid friend to @Shana while others have come and gone. If she choses to only shower at Shana’s… so be it. It’s her life/choice… not ours. Constantly running her down because she does “nothing” on cam accomplishes nothing. I repeat… she’s been there for Shana which means a lot to her and I think it should mean something to those of us who care about Shana. Just my thoughts… pretty sure @NotSeth and @jabbath1987 will face palm this… I don’t care. She’s been there for Shana… end of rant.



Do we know this young man?

I’ve been busy with my own life mostly today, just got back.

And see this.


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I think it is Mellon…


Which number is he? I lost count at 16 with the repair guy who kept coming back to make sure her pipes were fixed (and accidentally knocked out the electricity once). :thinking:

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ı think he is number 22