Shana (Archived Topic)

I first noticed her over there yesterday, but Jabbs says shes been there since Sunday.

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Joe Biden GIF by GIPHY News


I guess you could call it that…

that means you understand a little Russian or you are lying to me, if you are lying to me I didn’t deserve it, I just want to know

Oye vey, what else is there to say

@NotSeth, Пора признать, что ты знаешь русский

or just mute

Stop spamming here now. Your behavior is considered trolling and not allowed. :point_down:


Dude, Once and for all nobody knows. And nobody will translate all the time what they are talking. If you want to know so badly just start learning Russian.
End of discussion now :point_down:


i guess we are all dying - eventually…

Can’t you read what I wrote above? :man_facepalming:

I thought you were dying?..

Dying? And he has nothing better to do as troll here in the forums?

In the house or with the one who comments and keeps getting flagged?:rofl:

in the house

no one understands Russian, get over it … :wink: