Shana (Archived Topic)

I were referring to Mikl, not you Jabbs

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I try to delete that image of the double facial, from Felix and Mikl. Who would want Felix’s jizz on her face, seriously

@jabbath1987 you mentioned her name and look what has happened. I hope you are proud of yourself! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Probably because their income is no longer tied to their sex life anymore!

I have never mentioned, but if you look at the squirting, Felix held his foreskin, as if he held his sperm back.

Yes, Indira’s face was covered with cum, but from all angles you can’t see who squirted in her face.

I am sure Mikl did, but not sure about Felix.

And if you quote the love of women to have sperm in their face, what difference does it make, if it’s from Felix, Mikl, Henry or whoever. She took it several times from Kostja, and didn’t really complaint.

Because it’s Felix lol

Indira was always friendly with Felix, and they were in the same bed fucking more than once, not eachother, but at the same time, and as mentioned before, Indira sucked Felixes dick, and she was not really pushed to do it.
Mikl fucked her doggy and she reached out to grab Felix’s dick to suck it.
And when Mikl took a break with her to fuck Shana, Indira crawled up to Felix to kiss him as passionately, as she always was.
She was not disgusted, or otherwise negative towards Felix, so you can think of a friendly and positive attitude towards eachother by all means.

And it’s up to Indira to decide whom to accept, and whom to neglect.

You, not liking Felix, doesn’t mean that applies to Indira as well.

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Can we got back to topic? Has nothing to do with Shana or Zoja at all.

Well that depends on if they are into it or not.

masturbation GIF

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nice pantyhose


You just gotta get into the habit :rofl:

I like that one:

and that one:

I agree you have to be careful to mention that name … :joy:

[Kade181727 said :
Making plans for now or future reference?Zoja Kirsten and Carolyn would be a nice place. ZKC CZK CKZ, LOL.

Sure a nice place for Zoja and Kirsten but always a a bad place for Carolyn. One more time at this party something happens for all the girls except for her.
Its always the same at each party since august Very strange attitude that i don ‘t understand and regret . Its a pity
Despite her efforts to propose things, we see in Carolyn’s eyes that she is getting fed up.
For example we can see during all the party Henry spends his time caressing and kissing her but that’ s all. VHTV must purpose somtehing .
i don’t know if Carolyn can read the messages on this forum but she knows that she has at least one supporter who supports her


great party. Hope you had as much fun as we did watching it


Many thought Carolyn was going to join Koens harem, but she just stopped visiting there!

I didn’t think she was anything but a guest to have fun with, I never thought she would join W&K&M

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Shanas’ skin care regimen.


I don’t think I saw Zoja today at all, I hope she didn’t leave!

Nice pic of Shana, good way to sign off :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Sweet dreams everyone :heart: