Shana (Archived Topic)

Приветик💋 Как вам вечеринка? Надеюсь, вам было так же весело, как и нам


Was a good start for parties again but the one which had fucking all over the place some months ago was way better. Too much clothes last night :joy: :heart:

@Shana Kirsten and Zoja made up for it in bed- and bathroom with the strap-on. :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Even Mira and Henry liked it.

What was the discussion Henry, Mira, Zoja, Kirsten, Carolyn in the bathroom about?
Didn’t look like just a smoke-break.

Btw, cam 7 night quality is not the best. :smiling_face_with_tear: :wink:


Great girl girl session - would have been even greater if Mira had joined in!


There had to be more to it, “smoke-breaks” are in the Loggia!

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That’s what I thought, but I saw Shana and Chyna smoke in the bathroom during bath,

so it doesn’t seem to be too unusual.

You got fucking on the brain pal :rofl:

She was invited by Zoja, but she preferred to look (masturbate) from the dark corner.


I miss Zoja when she was still interviewing to be a full time VHTV participant. She would get into all sorts of naughty fun at the parties. :smiling_imp: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Isn’t she now, her name is on the door panel

wouldn’t count on that nowadays, with Kirsten permanently around, things have changed.

She was really promising, when she showed up at M&H with Brody.

I agree once getting a participant it’s only things with Kirsten. She made a nun out of her.

Bless you my c___d :rofl:

Yes she is, I said:

Before she was a full time participant, she used to be one of the naughtiest girls at the at the parties. She received The Naughtiest Girl of the Day Award several times during that time period.

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I mistook the first part, but was only gonna outline the second part. Sorry, language problem.

Yeah maybe we should establish a nun of the day award now :joy::wink:

Lana, Debbie and Felixes girlfriend are high in the list, although Lana had better days…in the old days. :rofl: :rofl:

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Haha maybe Good Girl of the Day Award or Prude Girl of the Day Award?? Nun of the Day Award although funny might rub some people the wrong way.

Ahahaha yes and Indira when visiting lately too.

And you are blaming people to stirr up the pot??? :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Shhhhhhhhhhh careful what you say jabba. :shushing_face: That name has become like Voldemort around here. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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