I call them Tenants and Guests… And to me a participant is a tenant
To me a participant is someone who participates regardless of whether they are the tenant or a guest, which is everyone at this party.
A participant is listed as participant in Wiki…
I understand that, but it’s that term that confuses viewers. Is there any chance of changing it to tenants & guests in the apartment description? Keep the main heading as participants, because that is what they all are.
Yes very true in VH terms, but in general they are all participants in the true sense of the word.
But technically you either have tenants or guests.
Normally tenants have their name on the apartments and get paid… Thats how i see it.
When that is true very bad timing and bad choice of words…
It might help cut costs if they stopped having these stupid partys every damn day!
marcia getting dressed
and where did Shana run off too??
Had to step away for an errand
Wendy apparently has a non-VH job that she goes to several days out of the week!
Awesome. The bosses believe that doing ridiculous rotational orgies between the houses they have control power everyday brings them money all the time… Then it’s all about henry shows and his friends fucking their ladies and they complain that isn’t enough when the problem is that it’s all a copy-paste in their sex business day by day. Guess that’s why now he decides to record parts of all the orgies
Tks for the translation
Maybe but she is still a guest at S&T.
Well at the moment the gang really lack some energy. Shana, Koen and now Marica again are the only ones being interested in the parties lately. Elisha comes back to life again too. When we are lucky also Wendy. But the rest? A lot of talking and no outcome lately…
Judging by the food on show earlier it wan’t exactly an extravagant selection
A load of crisps,chopped up cucumber etc etc, not exactly a b___dy banquet
And that bowl of crisps was there yesterday!
Maybe schedule the parties Friday and Saturday nights
Maybe for Mira that sounds like lobster and kobe steak
Maybe not invite Debby & Paul that would cut the food bill after all they do fuckall else