Shana (Archived Topic)

Hi guys. Welcome to my new apartment :kiss::partying_face:


so you moved in with Elisha/Karel then? and you get the couch?

Hiii delighted you have your own now. Are Karel & Elisha just overnight guests or will they be with you for a while ?

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Elisha and Karel are guests. If they want, they can stay with me


for a while. i plan to live alone


Elisha is hot, have you had a good play with her amazing hangers?

Animated GIF


elisha and shana have been good friends since days of Mikl/Marica.


I know and I know that Elisha was the first of the two to appear at M & M place.

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Kano seems to much of a man’s man, if you know what i mean

Well the apartment is named “Shana” so i assume it is hers but that sofa ain’t no bed is it?
Can only assume Elisha/Karel are homeless then but bit of a cheek taking her bed.???

Congratulations.I love your new apartment

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Seems to be Elisha/Karel’s apartment as they are taking the best bits? Weird???

@jabbath1987 OK… so why did you close the New section and just re name the old realm? Im like the others… new realm needs new forum.

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Because in the past when only one name changed (now Mikl name removed, before Maricas name removed) we did not do a completely new topic. I just continued that agenda.

I thought VHTV said to open a new topic.

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Bit of a cock up somewhere i fancy. I had the new Shana apartment open just now then it was suddenly closed and now we get the old apartment showing with just Shana’s name on it :roll_eyes:
I’m confused :rofl:

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Oh I missed that. My bad.

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Let me fix it. One moment.

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Having a brainstorm are we young man :rofl:

Here we are. Back again :stuck_out_tongue:

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