Shana (Archived Topic)

Chyna is in the shower… it’s Jirina’s “stuff”…

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I see Guestroom Teddy, so it seems like Jirinas’ stuff.

If they just need somewhere to stick it for a while, why not M&H’s secret room?

I know all the conspiracy theorists think the “secret room” is MUCH larger than what has been shown, but logistically it’s too small for all of this…

So is Kristen and Zoya the new Indira and Kostica???

Does the idiot with a pillow covering his privates have a name?.. I haven’t followed that closely lol… what a joke.

Mind you, I have noooooooooo desire to see what’s behind the pillow, but why take your clothes off in this environment and then walk around with a pillow at your 12 o’clock?

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Maybe he’s got Krusty Krabs :rofl:

Looks like a gay covention.

Isn’t that what a Minion is for, To cover his deficiencies?

And they are gone…

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These are not in order!

Shana doesn’t seem to be interested?

S___ping together doesn’t necessarily mean sex.

Oh sorry, i must be on the wrong site, silly me :rofl:

For the old-timers, she reminds me of Darcie (Stifler’s girlfriend)

Dieser Geheimraum ist grösser.

Two paces at most from LR (desk) to Hall, two paces at most from BR to BR… average adult step is 2.5’… you do the math lol. 5’ at the possible longest… it’s out of camera view, so everyone’s imagination takes over… period.

I had high hope for Zoja and what’s her name, but they’ve hit the point of being an old married couple without ever have had a honeymoon. They’ve skipped the ridiculous amount of sex stage and gone directly into the “let’s get some s___p” mode.
Me big time disappointed.

It’s not new to Zoja, but very new to Kirsten… give them time. Kirsten has loosened up over the last few days. I still think it’s promising, but I could be wrong.

It’s like a Tardis, bigger on the inside than the outside

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