Shana (Archived Topic)

So I will take that as a yes then…

let’s see, this seems to work well… :man_facepalming:

get the point :question:


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Yup you like feet just like Edd.

Freedom Feet GIF by Hysteria

You keep pestering @Bernie169171 to answer your question (again, being a bully), how about answering mine, which you conveniently chose to ignore… kind of tough getting a dose of your own medicine isn’t it???

It is saved.:clap::clap::clap::ok_hand::raised_hands::clap:

I guess your thick as a brick.

You just don’t get it…

Felling Sorry for you now son.


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I am not sure if this will go all the way but, I will have to keep watch!

Here is some of the kissing!

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I missed the entrance, due to personal needs, But I hope to see it in the archive later!



Unfortunately it’s getting just a tad boring and repetitive now. :roll_eyes:

Isn’t that what made I&K so popular?? I think they might be trying to reuse their old VHTV script.

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I think the first night kostja slept over with Indira after T&S went away they fucked, so they were very anxious

The weird thing, is they say lesbians do things very fast

Huh?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: That doesn’t have anything to do with what I said. :sweat_smile:

Who is “they” exactly??

Making love is better than just Fucking!

And it doesn’t require a cock to do it!

Put an archive request in if you want it to be saved my guy. :smiling_face:

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Yeah it does

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