Shana (Archived Topic)

Zoja may have a good thing going there :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


She’s been trying for the last two nights and nothing yet. Blondie needs to come out of her shell i think.

Yes of course, but let’s cut Blondie some slack. After all she’s pretty new here. And love works in mysterious ways, so it’s still exciting :joy:

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Did I just speak about having a good thing going :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy:

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No problems i got plenty of patience especially with the timeline :rofl:

They say good things come to those who wait. Maybe we’re blessed :rofl:

Seeing who’s there now will try later :rofl:

Timeline is a close friend of mine :rofl:

Yeah saves viewing a lot of undesirables :rofl:

I am not sure this is what you mean but,

Is Jrina still trying to claim responsibility for view levels by showing up at the younger apartments?

(EDIT) Or is she just on a cougar cock hunt?

God knows but i just avoid certain ones now.

Blondie is keeping a close watch on Zoja!
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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So is Henry now in the loggia :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No, sitting next to Jirina,

And Sonya seems to reject Snoopy again!

Just now he wasn’t, time moves on eh :rofl:

Jirina is practising her professional talents in the bedroom now :rofl:



Henry salivating eh :rofl:

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Henry? Oh, yes, there he is. Didn’t really notice, I was looking at Wendy :joy:

This looks like it could be leading somewhere!

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