Bit of bad timing from Shana
Indira was pinching something in the bathroom,
thought it was a prophylactic. When Kostja saw it, she laughed and put it back.
Wonder what/who she wanted it for.
Mira is the real boss
It’s better he signs the contract first
Why pull Jirina , I&K in…it is probably about next week.when J&T are away.
Frankly the pair of them are a pain in the ass…they want all to be clones of themselves.
I am surprised he didn’t crawl up to eat Koens’ ass!
" Kids you aren’t fucking enough in our mega natural orgies, i need that money to go on next vacations so you have to do something about it. Boss will bring more guys for our parties for he can do more porno videos for broadcasting. Do you get the message??"
@Mitchel18299 can you please translate what was said in the bedroom
Yes it looks like Mira just k__led the party.
dont waste mira’s time ,work hard guys
these parties would be a lot better if Henry and Mira was in another part of the world