Blonde isn’t helping Zoja at all. She’s just “there”. Zoja definitely seems nice as well as being cute. She deserves a better partner than she has tonight.
Why can’t Shana just fuck off for gods sake
Maybe the visitors can show how it should be done
I’d settle for her “consoling” Zoja later, but your suggestion is the best solution for right now. She’s a perky happy girl and seems apologetic about bothering them. I do understand that it’s her apartment, but of all the people on VHTV, she should understand that staying out of the way sometimes makes for happy members.
Hurray she’s gone at last, no more interrupting i hope
fingers crossed
Brunette seems a bit of a tough nut to crack so far
I’m laughing at myself. If Zoja and the blonde had gotten naked and jumped each other immediately, I’d have happily watched for the hour or so that it took for them to finish. After that, I’d have gone to some other realm. But, they messed around with the maybe/probably not routine for a couple of hours and it still doesn’t look like there is going to be anything good happen. Yet, here I am and probably will still be here watching and hoping an hour from now. Who is the dumb one here. it sure isn’t either of the two girls so it must be me.
Begining to think the same myself, like, who is the dickhead? Not even b___dy kissed yet
I hope that you’re not asking for any one of us to help with that kissing stuff. I don’t swing that way so it’s not likely that I’ll be jumping up and down shouting “Me. Me. Me.”
Oh… you meant the two girls aren’t kissing.
My bad.
calm down pal your frustrations are showing
All it wants now is for the fucking dog to start barking
Talk about an ice maiden, think she is in permanent permafrost
There’s no global warming problem on that couch. There for a while, I thought that Zoja could have combusted spontaneously, but the frosty side of the couch sm____red the flames.
I think I would call her Blanket Blonde
Well i think we can write this one off for the night, think Zoja has too almost.
This could be some sort of VHTV test. They want to see how long that some of us will stay glued to this dang screen with the girls only lightly tickling each other every once in awhile. It’s kind of a Rorschach test for mental weakness. At the moment, I’m leading the pack.
And the winner and still champion in the mentally challenged sweepstakes is TenXRing. Hours and hours of waiting for no reward.
Shana could have been a gracious host this morning by relieving Zoja’s disappointment. She could have spent a half hour or so down low cooling the burn. Shana is a good hostess though in every other way so I suppose that it all works out okay.
Yay for Zoja. Her blonde friend is back. That means that both of them enjoyed their evening/night even if it didn’t go as far as Zoja hoped that it would go. The blonde wouldn’t have returned if she wasn’t comfortable. I’m happy for both of them. I just saw something interesting, sort of. Blonde held the door for Zoja as they left to take the doggy outside. That was very polite. I like Blonde a little bit better now just because she showed that kindness to Zoja.