Shana (Archived Topic)

She doesn’t do anything anyways

shana why do you run off to a non camera room and leave all your guests???

Chyna is still here, look for Purple dyed hair

Sean is obsessed with Chyna! He can’t help himself!
:crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

She might need to poop :poop:

(EDIT) And Mira and Henry can handle the guests for that long.

are there 2 bathrooms here??..note, the two shaded small rooms next to the bathroom

One blank room is Toilet, the other I think is Cam / Computer control room!

Palmer has turned up…that should k__l the party stone dead.
(not that this party was exciting in any way already)
I like the girl in the black dress…she seems horny and sexy…but keeps blowing hot and cold.
The girl in the yellow top and light blue shorts is very cute…I like her a lot.

than you for info

mira looks bored

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This my friends is a DORK party.

I see Palmer has arrived!
:beers: :crazy_face:

He’s obsessed with a do nothing girl

I would love to watch hot ladies like Shana poop. Too bad VHTV are hiding toilet cams.

I don’t think its vhtv hiding cams its the participants who don’t want them. There are alot of other realms that have toilet cams

So where can we watch Shana poop?

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I’m just glad Jirina has put her top back on.

ok what happened shana looks sad and everyone has left

Palmer showed up at 2:41 party shut down at 3:21 just saying lol

They just don’t know when to go home.