Shana (Archived Topic)

I watched this apartment for the first time when this girl came. Shana was trying to seduce her, it was fun to watch… now this girl is not around… we don’t watch anymore…
.still nobody knows what her name is.


her name is chyna but you can only dream because she doesn’t do anything …

That’s Chyna

Unless you watch her on Chaturbate or Stripchat and then she does everything :wink:

why is she on chaturbate?

Realpurr is her screen name…

she seems so antisexual when I see her at home as a guest … anyway thanks for the tip … :+1:

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I thought the guest room at K&I was for rent too

No, No, No, The JTIK Guest bedroom is Henrys’ homeless shelter!

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do u know her name on cb

look up realpurr on chaturbate.

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found her man she has a great body under all them clothes

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Does anyone know when Maren is coming back ???

you say it right but i ask why do they go to the houses that have camera goes free?

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Since Debbie & Paul are swingers I’m sure that group left Shana’s and went to their place since they don’t have any cams for us to watch them.

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Since when have Debbie & Paul been swingers? Not seen any evidence so far in the months we have seen them.
All Debbie has ever done is just tease and all Paul has ever done is just eat with an occasional fingering if he gets half the chance of any guest :laughing:

They are swinger they admit it…. when they all go outside of the apartment for offcam parties…. and many of us start conversations then they admit they will never do on cam…. but they are swingers…… and they also did orgies…:shushing_face::wink:

Maybe so but what they do outside of VH am not really interested as we ain’t seeing it.
I am quite aware Debbie has always said she will never perform on cam which is why i have never understood why they both are continually appearing on cam, other than just being a social gathering.
She obviously gets a kick out of showing us her body,sometimes, but nothing else.

That’s why whenever D&P arrive m like….:shallow_pan_of_food::sleeping::sleeping: