Sergio & Teresa

The only interesting thing here is to see if the cat pees in the bathtub.

maybe the gorgeous Krista walks in and starts a 4some in the bedroom
like old times :slight_smile: Blonde is not too bad

Nah she would have told me that :wink:

Why the bathtub? :rofl:

Kitty was taught by the best Alex :slight_smile:

But he pees in the sink and jumps in the tub :rofl:

It would be good content for the archives, there are too many videos of fat people pissing. :rofl:

I start to think the last Paulaner you had was bad :rofl:

The cat belongs to Goldie as pimpā€™s & GFsā€™ cat is still with the lesbians, am I correct?

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why are these back for

Yep Sportik & Nelly are still at realm64. Maybe Bulachka does not like themā€¦

Okay, Goldie and Bulachka are gone, 5 people left, not much chance of fun here now

I think the hairless cats belong to H & N.

Nope both hairless cats are Teresas cats.

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Teressa with two ss???

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and offlineā€¦

Yeah that did not last long did it?

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Itā€™s cold outside in Europe
Homeless people are given asylum

I do hope he is careful not to slip when jumping in the bath. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well then maybe their wiki designation needs to be changed from guest cat to Squatter cat.

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